Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm So Glad I Got Rid of Those Glasses!

Oh my god, I just found this picture of me and my siblings. It was taken in 1990 - the first day of school, 10th grade. I was 14 (almost 15). I totally remember this day like it happened yesterday. I was nervous because my homeroom teacher was the (supposedly) mean Science teacher that no one liked. I was also embarassed because I had to ride the bus to school, and man, that's SO UNCOOL!

First Day of School, 1990

What's up with 1) those glasses? and 2) that hair? Ewwwwwww! I made that vest over the summer to wear on the first day of school. Another 'ewww!'. This was pre-braces and before I became anti-perm. and yes, that's my real hair color.

Check out my sister's earrings and the fact that she's wearing suspenders! At least my little brother looks cute...

1 comment:

Honey Bunny said...

haha! tracey gold! funny...