Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, 2007!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We had a great time in WI last night. I was amazed that we were the first people to arrive. I thought for sure we'd be the last ones there, since The Hubs had to work and all. But we got there right at 4pm, which was awesome.

Here are some photos: Christmas 2007

I drank too much, but what else is new? I got some sweet gifts and got to eat lots of great food. Mimi made these awesome stuffed shrimp that were to die for.

Today The Hubs and I are staying in, watching lots of movies, eating leftovers, and just generally being sloths.

Hope everyone has a good day! It's back to work tomorrow, so I'll be enjoying today as much as I can.

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