we hope that everyone enjoyed their night, no matter what you did. The Griffins stayed home for two reasons. reason #1: jeanne is suffering from a GI tract infection along with a chest cold. reason #2: boston is disgustingly overpriced and we couldn't see spending upwards of $100 on one night out where special, magical tickets will allow you into these supposed awesome good times. no thanks. we decide to stay home, eat cocktail weenies and watch movies all night. We got a bit sad hearing Dick Clark in his New Year's Rockin' Eve office, slurring his speech and apologizing to America for having a stroke. that's sad. like, so sad i cried a little. i just have the biggest soft spot for the elderly it's not funny. poor dick. i hope he's able to get better and be back to ring in '07.
anyway, we hope that you have a wonderful 2006 with lots of love, luck, happiness, and fortune...whatever you consider fortune to be. next NYE we'll be in minneapolis. we'll have a great big party and you're all invited!
happy new year peeps. thanks for reading my blog. i hope to get more readers in '06.
Happy New Year! Hope you get well soon. Look forward to meeting you in Minneapolis!
*mwah* from Voix
you know you're a grownup when you think it's stupid to pay a hundred bucks to drink in the company of strangers :)
we always stay in and never regret it. love, ahh...
I, too, teared up a bit over Dick Clark. Poor guy. This was probably his last Rockin' Eve.
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